
Personal Reviews: Gabapentin 100 mg vs. 800 mg for Anxiety  


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19/09/2024 1:20 pm  

The gabapentin personal reviews for anxiety show a great deal of variation between the 100 mg and 800 mg doses. Lower doses such as 100 mg can offer some relief from anxiety to some individuals but with fewer side effects like daytime sleepiness and dizziness. For other people, that 100 mg dose isn’t strong enough to provide any substantial amelioration of their distressing feelings. In contrast, higher doses like 800 mg are said to work better in severe cases of anxiety; however they often result in such consequences as lethargy, vertigo or sluggishness of thought processes (cognitive impairment). Determination of the best dose depends on tolerance, severity of the disorder and how the individual’s body reacts to gabapentin. Always seek professional help before making any changes in medication intake.


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